
Monika Walendziak
born in 1986, painter, photographer and art historian
Between 1999 and 2003, she studied art at Ogólnokształcąca Szkoła Sztuk Pięknych (School of Arts) in Warsaw. Since 2009, she has been involved with Byzantine Iconographic Workshops at the College of the Christian East (Studium Chrześcijańskiego Wschodu) at the monastery of Dominicans in Warsaw.

Individual exhibitions:
2014: 'Matter and Light', The Meditatio Centre, London

Group exhibitions:
2015: The '5th International Meeting of Iconographers' Exhibition, Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum, Lviv - Lutsk, Ukraine
2015: Exhibition following the 5th International Meeting of Iconographers, Zamlynnia, Ukraine
2015: College of the Christian East Annual Exhibition, St Joseph's Dominican Monastery, Warsaw
2014: 'The Sacred Face', St John's Church Hall, Edinburgh
2012: College of the Christian East Annual Exhibition, St Joseph's Dominican Monastery, Warsaw
2011: College of the Christian East Annual Exhibition, St Joseph's Dominican Monastery, Warsaw
2010: College of the Christian East Annual Exhibition, St Joseph's Dominican Monastery, Warsaw